Design Philosophy
Consciously creating is the core of our design philosophy. Our collections are carefully curated and have a story that challenges the status quo. Since we only sell direct-to-consumer online, we can manage our stock and prices tidely. Therefore Étès doesn’t believe in sale, our limited edition scarves are investment creations and storytellers.

What Goes Around Comes Around
Our first collection ‘What Comes Around Goes Around’ questions our daily patterns. The interconnected world we live in creates new challenges. We are consciously looking forward and are future oriented. With this collection Étès pledges to create awareness of our patterns and motivates to take time and live in the moment.
The message behind the collection is communicated through prints of amusement park attractions. Amusement parks spark joy, chaos and journeys. Martyna worked with iconic attractions like rollercoasters and a ferris wheel to recreate the journey of life.
Just like high speed roller coasters, our lives lack time to pause and breathe. The detailed graphic illustrations represent phases, phases of the day and of life. Unexpected figures and moments, for instance a parachute penguin, represent the spontaneous and unplannable aspects of life. We encourage you to inspect your scarf closely and interpret in your own unique way.
Hopefully you will have as much fun, laughs and reflections with this as we had with creating this collection.